Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ready or Not!

Our farmers' markets have begun.

Actually, the first market began almost a month ago.
Last week our 2nd kicked in, and this week we are up to full speed with 3 markets.
(for more details of our markets & marketing methods see blog post "Marketing at Thiessen Farms" from 16 March 2011).

The crazy season has started!

Crazy in many ways ... driving into Toronto (and especially the drive home in mid afternoons), the early morning start times (the alarm is set for 3:30 AM), and of course the weather. I was going to try and write a blog post without talking about the weather - but I guess I can't! I will only say that out of 6 market days so far, we have had showers or rain 3 times, strong winds 3 times, the threat of storms 4 times, great weather for 1 day, and pretty good weather for parts of 4 days. A crazy mix!

Presently we are selling plants - herbs & vegetable plants. Each market day we offer more than 50 different herbs, 15-20 different kinds of tomato plants along with zucchini, cucumber, eggplant, pepper & bean plants. Selling plants this time of year is fun, though customers are already asking when the fruit & vegetables will be ripe.

 Our stall at Mel Lastman Square, North York today.

Our East York market.

We hope that plants will continue to sell well for a few weeks yet - we still have plenty more available.

Actually some years we sell plants every single market day from May until November.
Basil plants are in demand all season. Ornamental & hot pepper plants are popular for houseplants and in fall we offer rosemary and scented geraniums. 

But we are the first to admit to our customers that selling herbs & plants is just to put in time until the good stuff is ready - cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, raspberries, tomatoes ...

We can hardly wait!


  1. i'm super excited about my new little tea herb garden - picked up chamomile, bergamot and lemon balm yesterday. they smell so lovely!

    do you think it's okay if i plant them in the same pot? it's about 12" in diameter.

  2. Hi Haya,
    Lemon balm can be a bit of a bully. If you are able to put it in a separate pot that would be better.
    Enjoy the plants & the tea!
