Saturday, September 3, 2011

Coralstar peaches

Today at market we heard several complaints about our peaches.

It wasn't that the peaches didn't taste good - they did.
It wasn't that the quality was poor - it was excellent.
It wasn't that they had no colour - they were beautiful.
It wasn't the price - surprise!
It wasn't that the peaches were too small - they were rather large.

In fact that was the complaint. Our peaches were too big!

Coralstar was the variety we were selling today. It is a newer cultivar that crops well, has few blemishes, is very colourful and quite large.
With the school year beginning next week, there would be lunches to prepare. The peaches were too big for a child's lunch. Others worried they could never eat such a large peach by themselves.
But of course most customers were well pleased with our Coralstar - we did sell out!

So how big were the peaches?

Pretty big!!